About me . . .

Hi, I am Joanne, are you looking to make
changes in your life, become more
motivated, making you understand
yourself with confidence?
With over 20 years experience as a
counsellor working with young people,
and adults in different settings.
I am an integrative counsellor
‘what does integrative mean?’
I take the view that there is no single approach
that can treat each person in all situations,
so together, we can learn to make sense
of your thoughts, accepting reality and being
in relationship to others.
I believe we are all born with the potential for
growth and a capacity to change.
It’s important for me to get
to know you as a person,
not just the presenting problem.
We will look at what you expect
from therapy in a comfortable
space that is free from
judgement and distraction.
What to expect . . .

How can I help ?
Anxiety & Depression
Improving Relationships
Low Mood
Emotional Regulation
Loss of Self
Self Confidence
& Self Esteem
Gender Identity
Explore current
patterns of behaviour
A better understanding
of your emotions
Grief and Loss
I work in person and online
with young people and adults
from many different backgrounds
who maybe facing challenging
situations or feeling over whelmed
causing an inability to manage
on your own.
I take a holistic and
personalised approach,
A vision of what can be achieved,
believing that therapy
is unique for each individual,
which means, I can use various
managing techniques/coping strategies.
Offering short term or long term counselling
both daytime and evening sessions.
Each session is 50 mins long, we will go through
the contract together and any information about you
and what we explore is confidential.
Covered by the data protection act 2018.
Weekly 50 minute counselling session
£50 per session
Concessions available
I am a member of the British Association of Counselling
and Psychotherapy and work within the ethical
framework consisting of these core principles:
Being Trustworthy
Non maleficence